Semaglutide Shots Cave Creek, AZ - Vitality Balance Clinic

Introduction to Semaglutide

Semaglutide is an injectable prescription medication originally approved for treating type 2 diabetes. More recently, it has gained popularity as a highly effective weight loss medication. When used specifically for weight management rather than diabetes, semaglutide is typically prescribed at a lower dose than what is used for diabetes treatment.

Semaglutide works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and appetite. It sends signals to the brain to suppress appetite, leading to reduced food intake and therefore weight loss. It also slows digestion, meaning food stays in the stomach longer, keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time after eating.

How Semglutide Promotes Weight Loss

There are several ways in which semaglutide promotes weight loss:

Together, these effects make it much easier to follow a reduced-calorie diet, control portion sizes, and lose excess body fat. Studies show most people lose 10-15% of their body weight with semaglutide over 6-12 months.

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Benefits of Semaglutide Shots

There are many potential benefits to using semaglutide injections for weight management, beyond just the number on the scale going down.

Health Benefits

Losing excess weight can lead to impressive reductions in risk for numerous weight-related health conditions:

The more weight lost, the greater the reductions in disease risk tend to be. Even just 5-10% weight loss (what most achieve in 3-6 months on semaglutide) significantly lowers disease risk.

Quality of Life Improvements

In addition to health benefits, losing weight with semaglutide also commonly leads to improvements in overall quality of life, such as:

Together, the health and quality of life benefits make weight loss well worth the effort for most overweight or obese patients.

Take control of your weight with Semaglutide!

Considerations Before Starting Semaglutide Shots

While semaglutide shots are quite effective for weight loss in many people, there are some important factors to consider with your health provider before moving forward:

Is It Right for You?

Semaglutide is appropriate for use in adults who meet the following:

Those who meet these criteria are often good candidates for a supervised weight loss trial with semaglutide.

Potential Side Effects

When initially starting semaglutide injections, some people experience temporary gastrointestinal side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. These usually resolve within 4-8 weeks as the body adjusts.

Less common side effects can include headache, fatigue, dizziness, gallstones or mild pancreatitis. In rare cases, severe allergic reaction can occur.

It is important to stay in close contact with your health provider when beginning this medication to monitor for any side effects. Most are mild and temporary, but on rare occasions treatment may need to be stopped.

Cost Considerations

Currently, semaglutide is not covered by insurance for weight loss purposes. The out-of-pocket cost is typically $1000-1500 for a 1-month supply. While very costly, keep in mind that the potential benefits of substantial health improvements and reduced disease risk often make the investment worthwhile for those who can afford it.

Some providers offer financing options to offset the upfront costs. Successfully losing weight also lowers lifetime medical expenditures considerably, providing return on investment long-term.

Semaglutide Injection Protocol

If determined to be a good fit for your needs, your provider will prescribe a standardized protocol for the semaglutide injections. Here is an overview of what to expect:

Getting Started

Initially, a very low dose of 0.25 mg weekly is prescribed. This gives the body time to adjust and helps minimize side effects. The dose is then increased incrementally every 4 weeks until reaching the 1.0 mg or 2.4 mg dose necessary for optimal weight loss effects.


Semaglutide comes in pre-filled pens similar to insulin injectors. You or a caregiver gives yourself a shot just under skin of abdomen, thigh or upper arm each week on the same day. The tiny needles make injections nearly painless.

Duration of Treatment

Most providers recommend staying on semaglutide for 6-12 months for maximal weight loss results and health improvements. Therapy may then be stopped or continued long-term for weight maintenance depending on individual circumstances.

Follow Up Visits

You will need follow up visits with your provider every 4-8 weeks while on the medication. This allows monitoring of weight loss progress, side effect screening, dose titrations when needed, and relevant lab testing.

Following the standardized injection protocol under close medical supervision allows semaglutide to be used as safely and effectively as possible.

Interesting fact

In addition to being approved for treating diabetes and obesity, semaglutide has shown promise in early research for also treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). If further studies confirm its efficacy, semaglutide could provide a much-needed pharmaceutical option for this increasingly prevalent condition that currently has no approved drug treatments.

Vitality Balance Clinic Advantages

Here at Vitality Balance Clinic in Cave Creek, we specialize in supervised weight management programs featuring semaglutide injections. With our excellent providers, state-of-the-art services and focus on your personal needs, we offer several advantages for those wanting to use semaglutide shots for weight loss and better health:

Customized Approach

We tailor each aspect of your weight loss plan - calorie goals, diet composition, activity recommendations, behavioral modification strategies and more – based on your unique biology and circumstances for maximal results. No two plans here are alike!

Cutting-Edge Technology

From genetic testing to identify optimal nutrition strategies to the latest fitness trackers and mobile health apps, we utilize advanced tools to set you up for success. Our providers stay continually up to date on the latest obesity research findings as well.

Compassionate Care

Each member of our staff truly cares about you as an individual. We take the time to listen, address all your concerns, provide emotional support, and make this a positive, empowering experience.


With extended hours, same-day appointments when needed and options for phone/video consultations, we make it as easy as possible to get high-quality care that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

We are confident our exceptional bariatric medicine services can help you lose weight, improve your health and enhance quality of your life!

Take control of your weight with Semaglutide!

Additional Weight Loss Recommendations

While the semaglutide injections provide a solid medical foundation, there are several lifestyle changes that can be made to accelerate and amplify your results:


Following an eating pattern tailored to your needs focusing on high protein, fiber and volumes of vegetables can help satisfaction between meals and calorie deficit for weight loss. Food sensitivity testing may reveal foods exacerbating craving and overeating as well.

We provide individualized nutrition guidance, resources and accountability.


Regular exercise - especially strength training - helps offset the loss of muscle as well as fat that comes with weight loss. Our staff includes personal trainers to help design workouts complementing your abilities and fitness goals.

Sleep & Stress Management

Getting enough high quality sleep and keeping stress well managed are often overlooked but play a huge role in appetite regulation. We offer useful strategies and local resources to help optimize these areas critical to your success.

With the strong foundation of semaglutide augmented by nutrition, activity and lifestyle optimization, many of our patients lose 15-25% of starting weight and feel better than they have in decades!

Locally Owned Businesses Supporting Your Goals

Here in Cave Creek, we are fortunate to have a variety of excellent small businesses ready to assist clients in achieving optimal health. Here are just a few our patients have enjoyed working with:

Desert Wellness Medspa

This charming facility specializes in health screening lab tests, IV vitamin therapies, aesthetic treatments and massage all under one roof. Many find their relaxation massages key in managing stress during the weight loss journey. They offer Vitality Balance Clinic patients generous discounts on services.

The Bistro

Chef Alicia at The Bistro has become a specialty preparing delicious yet nutritionist-approved dishes catering to various dietary needs. Clients rave about her hearty, satisfying meals making healthy eating easy and enjoyable.

Orange Theory Fitness Cave Creek

The enthusiastic trainers at this gym offer high energy group classes blending cardio and strength training for a maximal calorie burn. The motivation and accountability of their workshops makes fitness fun rather than a chore while accelerating results.

The sense of community support during the weight loss process can make all the difference in long-term success. We are thrilled to collaborate with other like-minded local businesses helping our patients achieve their goals.

Importance of Timely Hormone Treatment

Managing weight often becomes more difficult with age in part due to changes in hormones regulating metabolism, hunger signals, body fat distribution and muscle mass.

Testosterone levels gradually decline in men over 50, for example, while perimenopause and eventually menopause in women spark fluctuations then drops in estrogen and progesterone.

Correcting hormone deficiencies through replacement therapy can alleviate unwelcome symptoms making weight loss efforts more effective.

Our clinic offers comprehensive testing then careful hormone balancing tailored to your unique physiology and needs. Streamlining metabolism, energy, mental focus and more thru optimization of hormones rewinds the clock promoting sustainable weight loss.

We also provide counseling on behavioral, environmental and emotional factors influencing weight - as well as medications when appropriate - for more holistic treatment.

If you have struggled losing weight through diet and exercise alone, hormone optimization therapy may offer the missing piece helping you finally reach your goals!

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